This guide provides instructions on how to establish a new Ubuntu Linux user that can login with a private key. These steps assume the use of a Mac.
1. Create a key pair for the new user:
Create a key pair locally:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
2. Place the generated private key in the local directory: ~/.ssh
3. Change to the .ssh directory
cd ~/.ssh
4. Set the permissions on the local key file:
chmod 400 GTKeyPairUser101.pem
5. Generate a public key from the private key:
ssh-keygen -y
6. Copy the public key text from the screen, place the text in a file ( and then place the file in the ~/.ssh directory.
7. Connect to the Ubuntu Linux system using ssh and admin credentials:
ssh -i AdminUserKeyFile.pem
8. Create the new user on the linux system:
@ubuntu$ sudo adduser new_user --disabled-password
9. Add the new user to the sudo group:
@ubuntu$ sudo usermod -aG sudo username
10. Change the security context to the new_user account so that folders and files you create will have the correct permissions:
@ubuntu$ sudo su - new_user
11. Create an .ssh directory in the new_user home directory:
@new_user$ mkdir .ssh
12. Change the .ssh directory’s permissions to 700:
@new_user$ chmod 700 .ssh
13. Change into the .ssh directory:
@new_user$ cd .ssh
14. Create the authorized_keys file in the .ssh directory:
@new_user:~/.ssh$ touch authorized_keys
15. Change the authorized_keys file permissions to 600:
@new_user:~/.ssh$ chmod 600 authorized_keys
16. Run the Linux cat command in append mode:
@new_user:~/.ssh$ cat >> authorized_keys
17. Paste the public key into the authorized_keys file and then press Enter. Press Ctrl+d to exit cat.
18. Exit the new_user shell
@new_user$ exit
19. Edit the visudo file (Skip to step 21 if completed prior)
@ubuntu$ sudo visudo
Change this line:
To this:
20. Save and exit the editor.
21. Exit the Linux system
@ubuntu$ exit
22. Test logging into the new account on the linux system:
ssh -i GTKeyPairUser101.pem
23. Test that new user can act as sudo without a password:
@ubuntu$ sudo ls
Command should not require password.
24. Exit Linux systems:
@ubuntu$ exit
25. Enjoy.
Verified on Ubuntu 18.04